Many people say that banks set a 15% down payment because they believe that housing prices cannot fall by more than 15%, otherwise the banks will be finished.

But this theory is actually untenable.

When the down payment in the domestic real estate market was 30% or 20% before, did the housing price fall by more than 20% or 30%?

Or look at the situation in developed countries abroad.

They have zero down payment or 10% down payment. If according to these real estate experts, the bank's down payment is equal to the decline in housing prices, then the housing prices in Japan, the United States and other countries cannot fall, because their down payments are so low.

Uncle Peng thinks that the banks dare to reduce the down payment to 15% now, not because they think that housing prices will only fall by 15% at most.

But the banks think that.

People dare not not repay their mortgages.

Maomao said something more unpleasant.

After experiencing the decline in housing prices in the past few years, and even the decay of houses, those who have mortgages dare not default on their mortgages under the double blow of falling housing prices and decaying houses, which makes banks feel that even if housing prices fall by 20% and houses become negative assets, most people still dare not default on their mortgages.

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