Brothers, 519 is coming

Today the entire market looks a bit boring, plus it’s the weekend, the entire market fluctuation is almost a horizontal line. But the point is that 519 is coming, for this special day, we should maintain the minimum respect.

On this special day of May 19, 21, the three major associations closed the exchanges, directly causing the price of Bitcoin to be halved in a very short period of time, causing panic in the entire cryptocurrency circle.

It was originally thought that Bitcoin would be able to break through 100,000 that year, but this wave of decline directly led to the market failing to achieve this goal until now.

But in this bull market, the goal of 100,000 is definitely achievable. As funds are withdrawing from meme coins and flowing into mainstream coins, meme coins are now facing more severe challenges, so it is best not to operate meme coins. Tomorrow is 519, and everything should be based on risk avoidance.

We already have long-term positions, so we don’t have to worry about missing out on tomorrow’s market. Most likely, nothing will happen tomorrow, but what if someone deliberately stirs up trouble to crash the market?

Therefore, safety is the most important thing and don't take risks.


When will the market start?


No one can tell for sure. Now many people see the market rebounding to around 67,000 and are shouting that the bull market is coming!


Is it really coming? Not necessarily.

When will the bull market start? It must start suddenly when most people have no reaction. The possibility of this round of market entering the bull market directly is very low. The volatile market will continue. The group of leeks in the currency circle can be said to be studied very thoroughly by the dealer. Generally speaking, when the market continues to fall, the leeks will think that the market will continue to fall, and will spread bearish remarks in various places where they can reach.


When the market continues to rise, the leeks will think that the market will continue to rise, and rush to buy at high prices. This is the leeks, they often use their own subjective consciousness to judge the rise and fall of the market, rather than objective facts.


We often hear these comments: "The market makers have already left the market", "Ethereum is just a leek project", "There will be no interest rate cuts this year, the bull market is gone", "No one still thinks it's a bull market now"...

These remarks are all over our ears in this round of market. These are basically not objective facts, but speculations based on one's own imagination. During the continuous decline in the past two months, some people have been bearish for two months. At this time, it is easy to have an illusion: "I am the god of the cryptocurrency circle." Are you really a god?

Callback cycle?

After each Bitcoin halving, the cryptocurrency market will experience a decline and correction cycle of several months. This cycle is generally used to confirm the price of Bitcoin and is also the process of the banker building a position. After each Bitcoin halving, there will be a big bull market. Will there be any surprises in this round?



On the contrary, the bull market has just begun. I have told you in the previous article that the 60,000 position is not far from the bottom even if it is not the bottom of this round of correction. You can also look at the previous US elections. The first week of November is the election day. Referring to historical data, most of the elections have risen, and only two have fallen, and these two declines almost coincided with the financial crisis. Therefore, from the perspective of Bitcoin and the election, the bear market view of some leeks is not supported.

Don't be fooled by the sluggish market in the past two months and think that the bull market is gone and the bear market is coming. We should base our decisions on objective facts.

In addition, with the approval of spot ETFs and the entry of Wall Street capital, how can a bear market come? You must hold on to your long-term chips. Thirteen Circles has already helped everyone build positions through scientific methods. Regardless of profit or loss, hold on to your long-term positions.


Our investment basket contains valuable mainstream coins, so we don’t have to worry about our assets going to zero or being delisted by exchanges in extreme market conditions. As long as we enter a real bull market, we can’t lose money.


Buying at the bottom?


No matter you are a cryptocurrency expert or a simple investor, no one can buy at the bottom. For example, in this round of callback, the bottom was bought at 67,000, 64,000, 62,000, 60,000, and 59,000.


No one can predict that they will buy at the bottom. What I see is that the price of Bitcoin is 100,000 to 150,000 in this bull market. I don’t care about the short-term ups and downs, the floating losses and profits on the books. Of course, all this is based on reasonable position control. At the same time, there will be orders at 55,000, 52,000, and even 48,000. I also know that these positions are difficult to receive. But the most certain thing in the currency circle is uncertainty. What if a black swan like 519 suddenly appears?


Many friends are pursuing the so-called bottom-fishing, thinking that they must buy at the bottom and sell at the highest point. They like to fantasize about historical charts and think that as long as they can buy and sell at the highest position, plus high leverage, they are now financially free. Don't indulge in it, the future is uncertain. Even if we all know that Bitcoin will reach 100,000 or even 200,000 in the future, do you dare to go all-in at a high multiple now?


You don't dare, because you can't be sure what will happen in the middle. The aversion to risk deep in human genes makes us focus only on the present, and can only focus on the end of this year and the beginning of next year. Some people focus on today and tomorrow. As a leek, can you avoid losing money in the randomness of short-term market conditions?


Besides, this circle is full of games, and you and I are all players in the game. Don't overestimate yourself!

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