🎉🎉🎉Good news! According to BSCNews' report on the X platform, a representative of Kraken issued a statement on whether Kraken will remove USDT under the new EU regulations, clearly stating that "there are currently no plans to delist Tether or change our USDT trading pairs."👏👏👏

The representative emphasized that as a cryptocurrency exchange, Kraken has been constantly evaluating global strategies and operations to ensure compliance now and in the future. They are committed to complying with the rules and continuing to promote the adoption of cryptocurrencies. 🌍🌍🌍

Previously, it was reported that Kraken was actively evaluating a series of plans that may include removing USDT from its exchange under the European Union's new digital asset regulatory framework. But now it seems that this concern can be put aside for the time being. 😊😊😊

Let us look forward to more performance of Kraken in the field of cryptocurrency! 🚀🚀🚀