## What Is AltLayer?

AltLayer is a groundbreaking platform facilitating native and restaked optimistic rollups and zk-rollups. Rollups are layer-two (L2) solutions that batch transactions off-chain and submit them in bulk to the main chain. This process significantly reduces congestion and gas fees on the main chain. AltLayer empowers decentralized applications (dApps) to choose the optimal rollup option for their needs through its Rollups-as-a-Service (RaaS) proposition. This enables developers to create and deploy L2 solutions and dApps for Ethereum that are faster, more cost-effective, and more secure than ever before.

### AltLayer’s Vision

AltLayer envisions a diverse ecosystem consisting of thousands of rollups, including both general-purpose ones like Arbitrum One and Optimism Mainnet, and application-specific ones with varying technology stacks. A rollup could be created using Arbitrum Orbit as the foundation, utilizing Arbitrum One for data availability and settlement. Alternatively, another rollup could involve using ZK Stack with Celestia as the data availability layer and Ethereum as the settlement layer.

### Restaked Rollups

AltLayer introduces Restaked Rollups, which enhance traditional rollups by adding extra security, decentralization, interoperability, and fast finality. Restaked rollups achieve these features through restaking Ethereum, allowing staked ETH to be used for securing transactions.

### How Do Restaked Rollups Work?

Restaked rollups enhance traditional rollups by incorporating three interconnected services:

1. VITAL: This service verifies the rollup's data, ensuring it is correct and matches the main network's data.

2. MACH: This service accelerates the finality of transactions, making them final and irreversible.

3. SQUAD: This service provides decentralized sequencing, ordering transactions fairly and randomly to prevent manipulation or censorship.

#### VITAL: Verification Service

VITAL checks that new rollup states are valid. A network of operators verifies the states submitted by SQUAD. If they find invalid data, they can challenge SQUAD operators. VITAL can also check optimistic zero-knowledge (ZK) proofs instead of direct data checks, verifying validity without needing the Ethereum main chain.

#### MACH: Faster Finality Service

MACH ensures faster finality for rollup transactions. It guarantees finality by checking that rollup operators correctly update states. MACH has three ways to check state updates:

- Pessimistic: MACH replays all transactions.

- Optimistic: Operators submit state claims, and MACH can challenge these claims.

- Proofs: Operators submit validity proofs, which MACH nodes check.

If disputes arise, MACH runs automated checks using WebAssembly.

#### SQUAD: Decentralized Sequencing Service

SQUAD is a decentralized network that sequences rollup transactions. Nodes must register with VITAL and stake tokens to participate, ensuring they follow the rules. Operators can allow token holders to stake through them, with staking occurring natively in the VITAL service contract.

### AltLayer's Ecosystem

With scalability as one of the most pressing challenges for blockchains today, AltLayer offers a vital service to ease the burden on the Ethereum main chain and its existing layer-two solutions. By providing a versatile and secure platform for rollups, AltLayer supports a scalable and efficient ecosystem for decentralized applications, ensuring they can operate seamlessly and cost-effectively.

AltLayer stands at the forefront of blockchain innovation, offering a comprehensive solution that enhances the scalability, security, and efficiency of Ethereum and other blockchain networks. By enabling developers to create custom rollups with enhanced features, AltLayer paves the way for a more decentralized and interconnected blockchain ecosystem.

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