What is the most unacceptable thing to do in the cryptocurrency circle?

Holding orders, not stopping losses, the more you lose

Holding orders, not stopping losses, liquidation

Holding orders is not advisable

How can you compound interest if you can't protect the principal?

Compound interest must be low retracement, you can't lose a lot

Small bets for big gains, small stop losses for big profit opportunities.

If you are lucky, you will definitely fail.

Level and mentality are indispensable.

First learn to lose less money, then you have a chance to make money.

How do you view it when doing transactions? What kind of feedback will it give you.

If you think it is gambling and there is no way to make a profit, then it will give you feedback as a gambler.

If you think it is the same as stocks and futures, you can invest and speculate, and you can make big profits and small losses through probability thinking and profit and loss ratio, then it is a tool for your asset appreciation.

Cognition determines your attitude and your method. In turn, your results deepen your cognition of it.

Most people regard contracts as poison, but they don't know the importance of lack of cognition. If you are a loser who doesn't play contracts, can you get rich by hoarding big cakes?

Contracts are not scary. Find the bottom to open a position. Before opening a position, you must calculate how much loss the stop loss position can bear. If it is right, hold it, if it is wrong, stop loss. Do it repeatedly, and making money is that simple.

Many people regard contracts as poison because they regard contracts as tools of the casino. Remember, classmates, we are speculators, not gamblers.

Many people's contracts die because they argue with themselves and are angry with themselves.

For example, a certain standard that has just been sold, after a while, it has been pulled up by dozens of points, and then it is immediately taken back at a high position. For those who play contracts, when they are bearish, the market starts to rise, and when they are bullish, the market starts to fall, and they immediately close their positions in the opposite direction, over and over again. Step by step, they cause their assets to shrink continuously, and finally embark on a long and endless road to return to their capital.

Once the transaction has failed, you must admit it and immediately admit the loss and exit. The key to winning the transaction is not to lose too much when you lose.

If the loss position can be recognized, the profit will naturally accumulate. A qualified leek must have the ability to maintain a stable mood.

Taboos of speculating in B:

1. Not setting a stop loss when doing contracts;

2. Not knowing how to stop profit and withdraw cash after making money;

3. Running away after making a little profit in a big market;

4. Holding a single order against the trend;

5. When the market is falling, I always want to grab a rebound or buy the bottom, but I get buried;

6. When the market is rising sharply, I always want to touch the top and short.

How many of them do you have?

Many people are afraid of losses in the futures market, and they dare not open orders anymore. They are hesitant and hesitant to make transactions. They are too purposeful and eager for results. They always want to make profits, avoid losses, and do it right every time.

Just like your first day in futures trading, open orders with enthusiasm and passion. Don't be afraid of wolves in front and tigers behind. Stop loss when you are wrong, and hold it when you are right.

No matter what you have experienced, you must maintain enthusiasm and passion, cherish the beautiful yearning for life, be full of fighting spirit like your first job, and love boldly like your first love.

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