Nine taboos of cryptocurrency trading, you must pay attention!

All in gambling: betting all your belongings on one coin, the risk is too high! Diversify your investment to avoid losses.

Chasing up and down: chasing the price of the coin when it soars, and selling it in a hurry when it plummets. Staying calm and operating according to the plan is the kingly way.

Ignoring stop loss: There is no awareness of stop loss, and you still hold on to fantasy when you fall into the abyss. Set a stop loss position and stop loss in time to avoid greater losses.

Believe in gossip: listen to the wind and believe it, blindly follow the so-called "inside information". Do more research, and make your own judgment.

Frequent operation: staring at the market all day and night, buying and selling frequently. Excessive trading will only increase handling fees and psychological pressure.

Not doing homework: blindly buying coins without understanding the background and technology of the project. You must do a good job of research before investing to avoid stepping on thunder.

Emotional investment: you will expand when you make money, and you will lose control when you lose money. Stay rational and avoid being swayed by emotions.

Greedy without end: you are not satisfied with the profit, and always want to make more. Set reasonable goals and stop when the time comes.

Over-leverage: Borrowing money to trade in cryptocurrencies, using leverage to magnify returns while also magnifying risks. Do what you can and control risks.

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