UXlink and Binance Wallet have recently optimized and supplemented the subsequent NFT activities. I will also supplement the subsequent steps:

1: Click the highlighted font "here" in the screenshot activity steps

2: After entering, the LINK NFT exchanged for 100UXUY will be selected by default. Click Redeem (✖️5) in the lower left corner. (Here it means redeeming NFT, that is, you take UXUY, and you can mint up to 5 pieces)

3: Click Approve in the lower right corner, and click on the page to confirm the transaction.

4: After completion, you will go to this interface. Here is the successful mint. You can click check to view it on the chain, or click my assets to view it on their official DAPP.

Let's take the on-chain view as an example: click https://arbiscan.io/, enter your address and click Enter, click on the screenshot position, and you can view the LINK in your address NFT


1: This activity of Binance Wallet is held every seven days, and the total activity is 11 days. Theoretically, if you sign in all, you need to have >300UXUY, so it is best to sign in, let the points >300UXUY, and exchange for three NFTs, so that you can get more airdrop tokens

2: When your UXUY>100, you can mint an nft (please note that you must mint, because this is the only certificate for the airdrop). For every 100UXUY, you can mint a LINK NFT. Binance shows that you can mint up to 5 link NFTs. It is recommended that you mint as many as you have when you have less than 500 points. Of course, if you have 500 points, you can directly mint 500 points. If you only sign in in the wallet, every seven days, you can get more than 300 UYXY at most, which is only enough to mint 3 nfts)

3: Binance Wallet does not currently support the display of full-chain asset NFTs. All NFTs are not displayed in the wallet. It is recommended to view them directly in the on-chain browser, which is easy and convenient