“Courage is the unified power of experience, intelligence and passion in action.” – John Ruskin

“Those who intend to do good must not hope that stones will be rolled out of their way, but must calmly accept it even when stones are strewn on it.” – Albert Schweitzer

“Learning talent comes from within; you get it through struggle, effort and thought.” Napoleon Hill

“We are here to laugh at hardship and live so beautifully that Death will tremble to take us away.” – Charles Bukowski

“In the animal kingdom, the rule is eat or be eaten; in the kingdom of man, assert yourself or be determined.” – Thomas Szasz

“This is not a time for leisure and comfort. This is the time to commit and endure.” – Winston Churchill

“Don't wish it was easier, wish you were better. As you get better, things will naturally get easier.” – Jim Rohn

“Adversity can sharpen you if you have the will to overcome it.” – Ray Kroc

“I have absolutely no idea what will happen, but whatever it is, I will accept it with a smile.” – Herman Melville