Sorry for the disconnection, but these first days of the month I have been working.

I bring you here the results of a bot with which I have a profit of 918 dollars, I was 15% in losses with the sharp drops in Hbar, but it is an asset in which I will remain long for the rest of the market bullish.

Tomorrow I think I will open a neutral btc bot

Between 48 ~ 87 with a low leverage, because I think we will be in this area for the next 3 months in which we create support and consolidation in the markets, to start a true bullish phase starting in October that will take us to all-time highs in all currencies, perhaps in the first quarter of 2025 or reaching the maximum in the second.

But in the meantime I will continue investing the liquidity I can get in these months and also try to get good percentages without putting the money at risk.