The big cake basically showed an upward trend during the day. The low point at midnight was around 64,500. Since then, the market has begun to gradually rise. In the afternoon, the market stabilized at 66,000 again. After a period of fluctuations around 66,000, the current market has launched an upward attack again and has effectively reached the 67,000 mark. During the day, the big cake and the concubine made a total of four oranges, each giving one 箜 and one 朵, and finally all took 2644+133 points of space and left the factory smoothly. It has been said that the recent market is traceable and not difficult to do, but there are always some self-righteous people who are screaming. As the saying goes, "The ignorant are fearless, and the knowledge is deeply afraid." Little do they know that what he thinks is just from his blind self-confidence and the stupidity of a frog at the bottom of the well.

At midnight, the market started to make trouble again in the old tradition of Xu. From the afternoon fluctuations to the evening, the market has been tepid. At midnight, the market immediately accumulated momentum and directly reached the 67,000 mark. From the hourly level, the kinetic energy of the duo head has been released, and the Bollinger Bands are gradually rising. The fundamentals are biased towards duo. Of course, we will not do anything to spoil the market. The midnight personal Silk Road is based on duo. #BTC走势分析 #5月市场关键事件 #新币挖矿 $BTC $ETH $BNB

Big cake: 66500-67000 duo, pay attention to 68000

Aunt: 3075-3095 duo, pay attention to 3160