CoinVoice has recently learned that Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin published a new article on X, in which he stated that the Ethereum network will focus on improving its permissionlessness and decentralization in the near and medium term, focusing on concepts such as stateless nodes, MEV mitigation, and single-slot finalization, allowing Ethereum to take a further step in the direction of decentralization.

Helios has made great progress in providing a “de facto light client” for Ethereum. Now we need to include it by default in Ethereum wallets, require RPC providers to provide proofs when providing results so that these results can be verified, and extend light client technology to Layer 2 protocols. If Ethereum is to scale via a Rollup-centric roadmap, Layer 2 needs to get the same security and decentralization guarantees as Layer 1. In a Rollup-centric world, there are many other things we should take more seriously; decentralized and efficient cross-L2 bridges are one of them. Many dapps get their logs through centralized protocols because Ethereum's local log scanning has become too slow. We can improve this with dedicated decentralized sub-protocols; this is one solution I propose.

Ethereum L1 can and should be a strong base layer for L2 projects. We should deeply respect the properties that make Ethereum unique, and continue to work hard to preserve and improve these properties as Ethereum scales. [Original link]