How to make one million with three thousand yuan in the cryptocurrency circle?

Newcomers in the cryptocurrency circle, especially players with little funds, don't miss it!

If you really practice what I wrote in this article, then in this bull market of 24-25 years, your funds will double 100 times.

Small funds in the cryptocurrency circle may be only 1,000 or 2,000 dollars. Most of them are white-collar workers who work and get paid. They are not willing to take a lot of money to play. But most people are cut while playing, and then they lose confidence in this market. It is because they don’t have a learning plan, but if you use my method today, I think after learning: not to mention more, you can get some results in three or four months, not to mention ten times.

Four or five times should be no problem. After the whole bull market, 100 times is not a dream.

After many people enter the cryptocurrency circle, they like to buy the small coins of 0.0000000 the most, and some people like to do the contract leverage, but you know what their final outcome is if you have done the contract leverage, which is to lose money and return to zero.

Some newcomers have 10,000 yuan or 20,000 yuan, which they have saved for a long time. They go all in on the contract and get liquidated. If they get liquidated, they will lose everything.

So if small funds want to survive in this market for a long time and make money instead of losing money, the first thing is to get rid of the contract leverage. It is meaningless.

If you have a small amount of funds and want to use knowledge to leverage this money in this market, the best thing is to do ultra-short-term and short-term trading in the bull market.

Because the market is good now, Bitcoin has exceeded 70,000 US dollars, and altcoins are ready to move. There are hot spots again, right?

You can't copy homework. Don't worry. Most of the teachers who take orders in the market and most of the communities that take orders are not worth paying to join. Because these people have not studied any technical aspects seriously, they also rely on guessing, or rely on orders given to them by others. They are just messengers. They don't have any trading discipline.

So everyone sees that it is normal for a KOL to make 30% by calling a certain coin. You can also make 30% by doing it yourself. You just need to choose the right target, for example, he chose ONDO.

You also trade this coin. From its launch to its peak, there are many waves in between, and you can get a lot of profits. Moreover, the growth of altcoins is not completed in one or two days.

Then, for example, when you have 200,000 dollars or 100,000 dollars, you can't spend a lot of time on short-term trading. Because you may lose a month's salary in one day.

I tell you, if you have less funds, you don't need to divide your positions when you do short-term trading, just go all-in, and I did it all-in at that time. Go all-in and all-out, making 10 points is also making money, and it doesn't matter if you do high-frequency operations every time. It doesn't matter if you make 30% in four or five days of short-term trading.

You have a principal of 2,000 US dollars, and your 50% position is 1,000 US dollars. What's the point of making 20%? Right, you can't make much money.

Just go all-in! Then let me tell you one more thing. I had a big misunderstanding when I started doing short-term trading, that is, I didn't set a stop loss.

If you use a small amount of money to do short-term trading, you must set a stop loss. If you don't set a stop loss, you will waste your money. You will not lose 10% of your money.

It mainly occupies your money, hinders you from finding the next coin, and hinders you from earning the next 40%. Do you understand?

The second point is to remember that you should not make any form of contract or leverage. It is completely meaningless. Contracts cannot make you stable money, especially contracts for altcoins.

Its depth is very low. Once there is a large buy order or a large sell order, it is likely to cause K-line disorder, or the main force will maliciously smash the market, and you can't defend it at all. And you will be zeroed out with a wave of thousands of dollars, and your position will be blown up.

Because I have opened multiple orders for my $5,500 Bitcoin, and I have opened 15 times. If I get $70,000 now, I will be rich.

Why can't you hold it? Think about why you can't hold it? Contracts are essentially done with other people's money to increase your own risks.

When you are optimistic about a trend or a high chance of winning, it will affect your mentality. It will make you very uncomfortable, keep you awake at night, and deform your actions.

How to do ultra-short-term trading is completely a technical issue and has nothing to do with fundamentals. You can find popular altcoins and altcoins that have started a wave of daily gains to do it.

If you finally choose a coin, you must choose the one that has risen at the daily level. Don't choose the one that has been lying at the bottom and fluctuating sideways...

Because it has no profit. Choose an upward trend at the daily level, or choose an already rising one at the three-day level, and then switch to one hour and 15 minutes...

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