I have been thinking about this problem recently. After a long period of thinking, it gradually took shape.


I have been copying coins for 8 years. I started to speculate on coins in 2016 and began to express my opinions on Weibo in 2018. Currently, my main account has been blocked.

In our era, there were no leverage contracts and no primary market, because Ethereum was not yet born at that time. Issuing coins was very complicated and costly. Later, the advent of Ethereum changed this situation. A simple string of code could issue coins, so the ICO wave in 2017 became popular. Later, China cleared everything about blockchain, and then we had the current C2C transactions, the current Tugou (primary market), and the people who are now everywhere leading people to play with contract leverage. Why weren't there so many people promoting contract leverage before? Because before the second half of 2017, exchange transactions did not require handling fees. There was no money to be made, so who would do this?


In the past, the proportion of people who became rich through blockchain was very high, and many people around me made their fortunes through blockchain.


Have you noticed that the people who get rich overnight are making more and more money, but we are getting further and further away from them? Those who make hundreds of times more money in the primary market and 30 million yuan with 3,000 yuan in contracts are just legends and stories on the Internet, but many people regard them as shortcuts to getting rich overnight. In the end, 99.9% of those who take shortcuts become accidents in these stories of shortcuts to getting rich overnight.


This is not surprising. Have you ever thought about this?

What is the essence of blockchain?

What is the logic behind getting rich quickly?

Where does the money you want to make come from?


The vast majority of retail investors have never thought about these questions, believing that they have nothing to do with them. However, it is because they ignore the answers to these questions that they will never become one of the ten thousand people who can change their lives through blockchain.


In fact, the essence of blockchain up to now, except for Bitcoin, other currencies are for the purpose of harvesting retail investors' funds, because only Bitcoin is creating value. In reality, it serves the dark web, capital transactions, and other industries that cannot see the light of day.


Other coins serve the cryptocurrency circle, which has no blood-making function. Like stocks in the stock market, they have real companies that create profits to support the stock price.


What about the cryptocurrency circle? In this circle, the project owner issues the coin, then hires bloggers to shout orders, pulls up the price to lure retail investors to buy, and then plunges the price wildly to trap retail investors and complete the harvest.


Yes, that's right. The money of retail investors is the hematopoietic function of this circle. When the big pie explodes, the news reports it and attracts all the people who are not in this circle. Then these newcomers come in with money and find that some people have become rich overnight and can easily make hundreds of times the profit, so retail investors rush to the primary market. When some people have become rich overnight through contracts and can easily make several times the profit in a day, retail investors rush to the contract leverage.


But have you ever thought about this? We are also retail investors. How can we stand out from the one in ten thousand chance and become the one who gets rich overnight? Become the legend in the circle around us or on the Internet? Become the story? Rather than the common accident?


In the past few years, various local people have become rich through contracts, but when I calmed down and thought about it carefully, I found that in the past, maybe 10 out of 100 people could make money and get out of it safely, but now only 1 out of 100 people can make money and get out of it safely!


Why is it getting harder and harder to make money now? In fact, it’s not that money is hard to make. Blockchain has always been the industry with the most opportunities, but because there is no supervision, various routines and violent ways to harvest retail investors have emerged one after another.


Now everyone has completely changed and become impatient, because every day they see those rookies on the Internet making tens of millions with just a few thousand yuan, they see online bloggers showing off their contracts and making hundreds of thousands of yuan at any time, they see others showing off their accounts with hundreds of millions of yuan at any time, which leads to most retail investors also wanting to get rich quickly, get rich quickly, live in mansions, and drive sports cars.


And the result? Losing everything, even everything he had.


Among the local people who got rich overnight, only one person out of 10,000 was lucky enough to make money. If you rush in, you will be using your own money to contribute to that one person.


Those who get rich by trading contracts, they use your rebate to guide you to play contracts, they have tens of millions in their cards, they take hundreds of thousands to open orders, they are in a good mood, they can recharge when they go bankrupt, but you have to work honestly when you go bankrupt, this is not the same level at all, and you foolishly think that you can also get rich by helping others, think about it calmly, how many people who follow orders have become rich? 99.9% of people are all bankrupt, right?


In fact, deep down, everyone rejects the essence of this circle that makes money.


Now, those who really make money in this circle, except for the one in ten thousand chosen ones, have never thought of bringing in 100,000 yuan, and want to make millions or tens of millions to get rich, or they just think about playing some local dogs every day, and the contract leverage is the same as those bloggers on the Internet, to achieve daily profits, and make several times or even dozens of times at any time.


Those of us in this circle just wanted to earn enough money to buy a pack of cigarettes from the beginning. We never thought about getting rich quickly or making x amount of money in a year.

As mentioned above, there were no local investors getting rich quickly at that time, because Ethereum had not yet been launched, the cost of issuing coins was too high, and China had not cracked down on Ponzi schemes and pyramid schemes, so there were not so many Ponzi scheme and pyramid scheme people who wanted to come to this circle to reap the profits of retail investors. Now these people are coming to this circle to reap the profits of retail investors.


There were no transaction fees at that time, and there were no big V bloggers who would post every day about how much money they made from contract leverage. But now, transaction fees are charged, which can be shared with big V bloggers, so contract leverage is promoted in various ways, both overtly and covertly, to attract you to play.


In fact, if I were to enter the circle now, I would be the loser who cannot survive one round in this circle, because you are brainwashed into getting rich quickly, which amplifies your desires, makes you impatient, and makes you go all in to get rich without considering the risks.



Marx once said: If there is a 10% profit, it is guaranteed to be used everywhere; with a 20% profit, it will become active; with a 50% profit, it will take risks; for 100% profit, it will dare to trample on all human laws; with 300% profit, it will dare to commit any crime, even at the risk of being hanged.

Yes, with all kinds of leveraged contracts offering hundreds of percent returns, would retail investors consider this a trap? They would not even consider it, and would just keep throwing their heads away.

You want to make money, make a lot of money, and get rich quickly, but the project owners want to make your money because you are the dish on the table in this circle.

So those of us who have been able to survive in this circle until now, let’s not talk about how much money we have made. If you have to survive in this circle, you will be qualified to talk about the future. Blockchain is not short of miracles, but you are no longer in this circle, you have lost all your money and quit the circle, what does the blockchain revolution have to do with you?


What those of us who are of the older generation who have survived to this day believe in is: spot is king, contract leverage is bullshit, they are all derivatives, and they are all designed to reap the benefits faster.


Even if we take a step back, where do the hundreds of billions of dollars worth of exchange bosses come from? That's all retail investors' money, which they harvested.


Therefore, put aside your impatience, see through the essence, return to correct values, return to normal investment logic, be a sober retail investor, rather than being like thousands of other investors. Only in this way can you stand out and become one of the few who make money.


If you want to be the only one who makes money among 100 people, you must quit all their bad habits and not follow their example.


The essence of making money in blockchain is (spot x holding time = profit), not making money every day through contract leverage or the primary market. These are all illusions, and there are traps waiting for you behind them.