The biggest enemy of trading must be yourself.

When trading, there will always be two different voices in your brain. Side A tells you to place orders according to your own ideas, and side B tells you not to place orders, and that you will definitely face losses and other negative emotions after placing orders.

If you do it right, side A will tell you to do it according to the analysis, and the trading will gradually become more confident, but if you do it wrong, side B in your mind will come out and tell you that you should not place orders and should stop losses long ago. At that time, this negative emotion will be infinitely magnified in your mind.

After making several consecutive mistakes, placing orders again often feels fearful, or a sense of being overwhelmed. Then the best way to face fear is to overcome it.

Facing fear means that you can still analyze calmly after making consecutive mistakes, and then still follow your own trading plan. If you make a few mistakes every day or every week, you will be forced to rest, and then trade and make money after you adapt to your own market, instead of asking you to gamble continuously after making consecutive mistakes.

Go and see that the trader did not crawl out of the pile of dead people, and was not tempered by thousands or even tens of thousands of orders every year.

If you are afraid of making mistakes and are afraid of losing money, then you will never be able to grow into a good trader.

Never be afraid of making mistakes. There is no absolute right or wrong in this market. You are your own god.