Some Important Points You Should Pay Attention to to Make Money 👉🚦🚦 💰👀

📌Accounts Seeking Small Profits:

📍Stay away from accounts that constantly try to deceive their followers with small earnings and make promises such as "you will make money every day".

These accounts often commit fraud and offer unrealistic returns to increase their follower count.

📌Meaningless Analysis and Bot Accounts:

📍Be careful of accounts that make analyzes using unnecessarily complex charts and indicators, exaggerate these analyzes and collect praise.

These accounts are often managed by bots and are designed to influence investors.

📌Show and Raffles:

📍Be suspicious of accounts that boast about their money in the bank or the stock market, organize constant giveaways, and show a luxurious lifestyle.

These accounts often use such tactics to extract money from their followers.

📌Unrealistic Earning Promises:

📍Do not trust tokens and coins that promise incredible returns such as 50x, 100x and are not mentioned anywhere, without knowing the details of the project and knowing the team.

If this is done unrealistically by promising coins such as $PEPE $DOGE $SHIB , which have a very high market value, stay away.

📌Those Who Silence Experts:

📍Stay away from accounts that silence people who have high knowledge and provide useful information to investors.

These accounts often act for their own benefit through manipulation.