Mr. Buffett has already made a fortune on his snow track! Don't worry, our long slope and thick snow track is here, it turns out to be...

Background of the event

I wrote an article on WeChat before, mentioning "I saw something different at the 2024 Buffett Shareholders Meeting" Portal:

In fact, in addition to indirectly reminding us of the risks, the old man's position also shared his investment philosophy of long-term investment compound interest.

Among them, an audience member asked about the advantages of AI compared to traditional industries. As always, Mr. Buffett frankly admitted that he knew nothing about AI.

But during the question, he compared artificial intelligence to nuclear weapons, and could use its good or bad side. For example, I recently heard that many Russian beauties selling products on Douyin are AI face-changing applications.

I have always had the habit of reading Buffett's shareholder letters every year, but frankly speaking, you don't need to take Buffett's comments on some technology fields or fields he is not familiar with too seriously. There is not much difference between him and ordinary people, he just doesn't understand and doesn't do it.

So Mr. Buffett's strongest point is to continue to dig deep in a long slope and thick snow track, and have his own compound interest.

So what fields and targets should we ordinary players lay out?

In fact, whether you see the so-called "wealth code" information of many bloggers from Weibo or Twitter, he can only give you a point of view, and can't unravel and explain the logic behind it to you, just like I have always discouraged "copying homework". In the end, when you encounter extreme situations, you and the players who really understand will definitely make different decisions or you will not be able to get a position.

In other words, you can't make money by luck, but also by your own strength. Really understand

Only when you really understand the fundamentals of Web3 and US technology companies can you invest unswervingly. You will resist any fluctuations, especially short-term fluctuations, so that you can get long-term super value returns.

So, in fact, we are now standing in the era of a whole new round of steam revolution. Only by digging deep into the two long and snowy tracks of AI and web3 can we get the rewards we deserve.

If you want to learn more about the underlying fundamentals and option strategies, please join "Sober Chat Options Planet" or 1 on 1 target or strategy consultation.

Action is worse than hesitation. Interested friends should hurry up and scan the QR code in the event poster below to sign up and join. Let us find our own high-odds targets and suitable trading strategies in this era.