05/17 Review - Today's market greed sentiment is 74 (the greedier the market is, the more cautious you should be in trading)

#BTCyesterday's highest point was 66742, yesterday's lowest point was 64567

BTC support level: 64163, 60760, 59839 resistance level: 66920, 71850

#ETHyesterday's highest point was 3026, the lowest point in the early morning was 2921

ETH support level: 2865, 2800 resistance level: 3046, 3112, 3167

BTC daily chart: BTC fell 2170 points yesterday, and the price observed during the day was 64163. There are two possible trends during the day:

1. Retreat to 64163 and continue to sprint up

2. Consolidate in the range of 64163 - 66920

ETH 12-hour chart: ETH fell 100 points yesterday, and still has not broken through the 3046 pressure level. It is only a matter of time before it breaks through. Just wait patiently. Important reminder: 2866 is the effective support of the daily line. Using the daily level analysis, the price of ETH has been consolidating in the range of 2800-3100. Once it breaks through 3046, we will see 3112, 3167

Watch the price fall at that support point during the day. Once it stabilizes, it will rise again. Ambush potential coins in advance. Click my avatar to find me. Welcome to like, follow, collect and forward. #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥