Market Analysis

$BTC: After a month-long adjustment, Bitcoin rebounded strongly last night with the favorable macro data. From the current market perspective, 60,500 has been supported and repeatedly verified. The market will continue to rise in an adjusted state. The strength of the rebound at the cottage level last night was also very good. This is what I said a few days ago that May is very important. It is a very good opportunity for many students who have not yet boarded the train. If you bought it a few days ago, you have already made a profit today. Since the meme was launched in the past two days, $People has been relatively strong, and the community has also said it at the first time. I think on the one hand, the market value is relatively low, and on the other hand, it is facing the US election, so it is a good target. You can continue to pay attention to it in the future.

$ETH: The ETH/BTC exchange rate hit a record low. It once hit 0.0455 yesterday. As the news of SEC's rejection of ETFs is getting closer and closer, the exchange rate will most likely continue to hit new lows in the future, so short-term investors can switch to BTC. However, I personally think that when the SEC's negative news is implemented, ETH will usher in a wave of rebounds. In the long run, ETH's growth space is also considerable. It is recommended to reasonably retain ETH positions.

$SOL: Sol is still relatively strong. There are very few projects that can outperform Bitcoin in every round of rebound. It is basically the only one among the big blue chips. This wave of rebound is about 14%, which proves that it is a better investment target than ETH. I have said the reason many times before. The innovation of this round of bull market basically occurred on the Sol chain. Now Sol and BTC are two extremes. Sol is the representative of the extreme application chain, so the long-term growth potential is very good.