Odaily Planet Daily News NFT perpetual contract trading platform nftperp announced the completion of a new angel round of financing, with angel investors such as Zeneca, Dingaling, Sergito, @BaoLeKV, @BlurCrypto, @Bribe, etc. participating. The specific amount and valuation information have not been disclosed. In addition, nftperp also announced that more new features will be launched this week. After the recent launch of Blast Gold, nftperp received 108,199 Gold in the latest batch of allocations, plus the approximately 25,000 Gold previously held. nftperp will increase incentives for users, but users need to provide real trading volume and liquidity to obtain allocation rewards. The reward rules for AMM depositors have not changed for the time being, and liquidity providers will receive reward income based on the fees generated by their positions.