The recent performance of currencies in the Ether-related sector is indeed unsatisfactory.

Whether it is the upgrade of Shanghai or the progress of the Cancun sector, the market response has been relatively lukewarm. Funds seem to be flowing more towards the $Sol series of coins.

Judging from the increase list, the $Sol series of currencies almost occupies a dominant position, while the Ethereum series of currencies are very few on the increase list.

To be honest, I don’t have much expectations for the hype of Ethereum spot ETF and the sharp rise of the so-called Ethereum series of currencies.

In contrast, I am more inclined to invest in the Sol series of currencies rather than the ETH series.

In this bull market, the performance of the Ethereum series of currencies is indeed disappointing. I even have a hunch that the second position of Ether may be replaced by SOL.

Recently, I am also ambushing a currency that is about to explode. The short-term rate is 30%, and the long-term rate is about 5-8 times. Again, if you take the initiative to come to me, I will take you ashore. Just lie down and leave a message at 888! ! !