From being laughed at to getting rich, and then to missing out on tens of millions, in the currency circle, BTC is always accompanied by endless legends and waves.

Christopher's counterattack

In 2009, Christopher from Norway spent $27 to buy 5,000 bitcoins in order to study data encryption. At that time, this move was laughed at by the girls around him. However, four years later, when the value of Bitcoin soared to $866,000, those laughs disappeared. For new things, never judge with inherent eyes.

James' regret

In contrast to Christopher's luck, James Howells from the UK missed millions of bitcoins because of negligence. He had 7,500 bitcoins in 2012, but due to an accident, he threw the hard drive where these bitcoins were stored into the trash can. It was not until the value of Bitcoin skyrocketed that he realized his mistake. He frantically searched for hard drives in landfills, but in the end, to no avail.

Coles' vision

Timothy Coles is a visionary man. In 2014, he exchanged a gold mine worth $2 million for 3,200 bitcoins. Although this move caused controversy at the time, Coles firmly believed in the future of Bitcoin. Today, if he still holds these bitcoins, their value has exceeded $8.64 million. Sometimes, it is worth giving up immediate interests and pursuing a more promising future.

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