Dabai's analysis of $BTC and $ETH yesterday, although considering the impact of CPI data, the direction is correct, it has skyrocketed directly, but the point is not in place!

The current market has been suppressed for too long, and many people in the market are in negative emotions. Many people are stuck in the spot, and they don't want to move!

Such an idea is really dangerous. Dabai has to recharge everyone's faith and correct everyone's thinking.

First of all, recharging faith is that the big bull market is really not here yet. The interest rate cut has not started, and the ETF has not been passed. In addition, the recent American election has a great impact on the financial market and our currency circle. After these events land, it will be the beginning of the big bull market, and we must reasonably allocate our positions for layout before it starts!

The next is the layout.

1. Spot layout: Dabai has said many times that Dabai insists on his point of view, that is, the best way to layout spot is: buy the bottom spot in batches, replenish the spot already held in batches, and seize every opportunity of decline! When it rebounds, the big cake reaches more than 10w, and the cottage has doubled several times, you will come to thank Dabai for recharging your faith!

There is another important point of view in spot layout, that is, the layout should be laid out in those popular sectors of popular currencies, or new currencies, speculation on new but not old, the rules in the circle!

2. Contract layout: To be honest, the current market fluctuates too much, the direction must be judged clearly, the stop loss position must be hung, and the profit stop is not greedy. You can stop profit in batches or leave in time. You must achieve unity of knowledge and action. In addition, setting a stop loss is the most correct decision for mature traders. Don't expect illusory luck!

If you can't judge the appropriate position and direction, pay attention to Dabai's latest developments in time, don't miss the opportunity, and think about what to do if you want to keep up with the password as soon as possible? Rules and restrictions, don't say it clearly! The big bull market faith recharge base will always give you the faith you need to recharge!

Looking forward to the arrival of the big bull market!

#BTC走势分析 #美国4月CPI数据回落 #PEPE创历史新高 #GameStop带动Meme板块 #ETFvsBTC