Today's funds 12269 U, 2024.5.16

The boat has passed through thousands of mountains. I finally slept a very comfortable and peaceful sleep last night. People who have never made a life-and-death bet on a contract cannot understand that feeling.

But I was really wrong. Fortunately, the CPI data last night was good for the currency circle. BTC rose by 7.5 points. The BTC contract that I struggled to carry finally turned from loss to shallow profit and sold it. After selling the heavy BTC contract, I was detached and relaxed. But I lost 5,000 U on this order, and I ran away when I only rose back to a floating profit of 1,000 U. It was like a thief who risked being beaten to death and drank a mouthful of soup without eating meat.

Slowly recalling the review, I was really scared. This time it was really all luck, there was no logic at all, and there was no unity of knowledge and action at all. This money was won but I was not happy at all, as if I saw myself who would lose everything in the near future.

If the CPI data last night was bad news for the cryptocurrency market, BTC fell 7.5 points last night. If I held on to the margin and charged for the deposit, would I have lost all my money now?

A gentleman should not stand under a dangerous wall. I stood on it for several days. I am lucky that I didn't lose all my money. The correct way to integrate knowledge and action should be to clear the BTC contract on the day when the CPI data news came out, and wait for the CPI data news to come out to confirm whether it is bullish or bearish as soon as possible and then chase it. The profit of holding the position until today is much greater than my holding order operation.

After such a long time, my habit of opening a contract again after selling the contract has not changed.

I held on to the loss of 10,000 U and ran away when I made a profit of 100 U.

Stop loss in a short time and lose money is making money for the long term

Short-term profit, long-term loss, if you want to make money and lose money on every order and hold on to the profit before running away, after a long time, you will lose everything.

Stop loss is also a kind of relief. The contract relies on the majority win rate, not every win.

This time, God has spared me, I should cherish it. If I don't repent, God is doomed to fail.

Indeed, in the long run, long-term contracts will die, and the longer you hold them, the higher the probability of liquidation.

After all, spot is king.