Odaily Planet Daily News zkLink announced in Discord that strict witch detection will be implemented for all Lynks NFT holders, which means that holders need to pass anti-witch testing and KYC verification when claiming ZKL rewards. All Lynks NFT witch users are given the opportunity to self-report within the next 10 days. In return, they will receive 25% of the expected rewards, without accountability, and witch data will be kept confidential. Witches discovered by the zkLink core DAO will receive 0 rewards. Real users who are mistakenly detected as witches will have the opportunity to appeal. All eligible Lynks NFT holders will receive ZKL rewards. In order to fulfill the promise of the previous community vote, each Lynks NFT minted in the first phase of the first season (that is, before 10:00 UTC on April 14), that is, NFT numbers 0-1576, will receive 1480 ZKL. Each eligible Lynks NFT numbered 1577-3999 will receive 1,100 ZKL.