
How do newbies in the cryptocurrency circle face market fluctuations and bottom-fishing

In the cryptocurrency circle, a world full of opportunities and challenges, many newbie friends face a common problem: when the market falls, the funds that have been bottom-fishing are still decreasing. Should they continue to invest funds to bottom-fish?

First of all, I want to tell you that the most important thing to enter the cryptocurrency circle is to stay rational and calm. Remember, the best situation in the cryptocurrency circle is to always have enough cash in hand, enough for you to live for 4 years. In this way, even without any income, you can spend this time with peace of mind, unaffected by market fluctuations.

So, on the issue of bottom-fishing, I want to say that bottom-fishing is not a simple "buy at the lowest point" operation. In fact, the bottom of the market is not a fixed point, but a fluctuating area. For example, the current big cake, whether you buy it at 16,000, 14,000 or 10,000, in the long run, there is actually not much difference. The important thing is that you must understand that this currency has the potential to rise 5-10 times in the future, and it is enough to eat this part of the profit.

Don't be greedy and want to eat from head to toe. Because the market is volatile, if it is high, you want it to go higher, if it is corrected, you don't want to sell, and if it falls, you think it can rise again. This mentality can easily make you miss good opportunities. The best way is to develop a reasonable investment strategy, set your own profit goals, and then stick to it.

At the same time, I suggest that you make a dream list. After making money, think about what dreams you want to realize, whether you can give your family a better life, or make yourself more comfortable. But remember, after making money, don't show off, don't be arrogant, and don't invest randomly. This money is an opportunity given to you by the market, not a reflection of your strength.

Finally, I want to say that mentality is very important in the currency circle. When you understand your strength and goals, you can better grasp the market and become the person you want to be. I wish everyone can make a lot of money in the currency circle and realize their dreams!

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