The White House has asked a group of Chinese companies mining cryptocurrency in Wyoming to sell the land where their servers are located, because this facility is located near a base containing US nuclear ballistic missiles.

According to the Financial Times, President Joe Biden has ordered MineOne Partners and its partners to resell the land next to Warren Air Force Base in Wyoming within 120 days. The White House said the British Virgin Islands company, majority-owned by the Chinese, did not notify the US government about this sensitive transfer transaction.

Warren Air Force Base is one of the locations where the US deploys nuclear intercontinental ballistic missiles. In the resale order, Mr. Biden said MineOne uses specialized equipment to mine cryptocurrency, including technology originating from abroad, posing a risk to US national security.

He said: “The foreign-owned property's proximity to a strategic missile base and key element in the US nuclear triangle, coupled with the presence of specialized and sourced equipment originating from abroad have the ability to support surveillance and espionage activities, creating a risk to US national security.”

According to a White House release, MineOne Partners purchased land near Warren Air Force Base in 2021, with the aim of building a large-scale cryptocurrency mining facility. This company has invested millions of dollars in the project, using specialized equipment manufactured by Chinese companies.

However, the US government is concerned that this device could be used to gather intelligence about the activities of nuclear missile bases. In addition, the fact that a Chinese company owns land near a strategic base also raises concerns about national security risks.

The White House's land resale order is an unprecedented move to protect national security from potentially dangerous cryptocurrency mining operations. This case shows the US government's growing concern about China's role in the cryptocurrency industry and the potential risks from Chinese companies operating in the US.

The incident also raises questions about the ability to monitor and manage cryptocurrency mining activities in the current context, when this industry is growing rapidly and can cause many security problems. national security.

Although MineOne Partners may object to the White House's order to resell the land, this is expected to create a precedent for similar cases in the future, to ensure national security and strictly control activities. Cryptocurrency mining activities in the US.