Important issues that you should follow during the bull and altcoin rally, which may concern the rise and fall.

1-) Bitcoin DOMINANCE (Think of slices of a cake, the higher BTC is in this slice, the lower the altcoin slice will be, so the altcoin rise will be weak.) If DOM falls while BTC rises, ALTCOIN flies, if DOM rises while BTC falls, ALTCOIN crashes. In a rally, DOM falls while BTC is steady or rising.

2-) FED INTEREST REDUCTION; In order for new money to enter the market, FED interest rate cuts are required, which will relieve all markets as well as significantly relieve the Bitcoin market and accelerate the rise.

3-) DOLLAR DXY - USDT Dominance; The further these are pulled back, the higher the market will rise. Their rise represents the tightening of money and lowers the markets. Before a solid rally, these decline and accelerate the rally.

4-) TOTAL 2 - TOTAL3 ; The market representing all altcoins except Bitcoin is called TOTAL2, and the market representing all altcoins except BTC AND ETHEREUM is called TOTAL3. Higher levels make it easier to see where the money will flow. As you go down, industry comes into play (like Metaverse)

What I have explained forms the basis and you must follow them carefully. After following these, Technical analysis comes into play and Bull formations are searched. At this point, you can predict the rise and fall and simplify your transactions with the analysis built on the ground. Just doing Technical analysis does not give accurate results, you need to look at the fundamentals first, and you should always keep an eye on Fundamental analysis. We can call these news. For example, epidemics (such as Covid), wars or economic crises that may be on the world agenda, these are factors that will directly affect the market.

If you want to protect and increase your money, you must first study what I say carefully. Neither fundamental analysis nor technical analysis alone is of any use.

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