Uniswap announced the launch of a new protocol, UniswapX, at the 2023 EthCC conference, which aims to provide the best quotes for on-chain transactions by aggregating liquidity from various DEXs. The protocol outsources the execution of transactions to third-party executors (fillers) and uses Permit2 to execute off-chain signatures. It has the characteristics of gas-free transactions, avoiding MEV, and supporting cross-chain transactions. To learn more about UniswapX, please read TokenWiki: What is UniswapX | TokenInsight

UniswapX quickly attracted the attention of the crypto community, but also a lot of doubts. Some people believe that UniswapX's aggregator mechanism is not new, and fillers have the same function as the Cow Swap Solver model.

When Paradigm research director and Uniswap contributor Dan Robinson listed five reasons on Twitter why he believes "UniswapX will change the rules of the game for decentralized exchanges, MEV, and interoperability," Curve Finance commented, "With all due respect, Dan, when 1inch first launched high-quality aggregation features, and when Cow Swap innovated the solver model, the rules of the game were already changed by them. It (UniswapX) is good, but it's not the first, or even the second."

Interestingly, two of the projects mentioned by Curve, 1inch and Cow Swap, both poked fun at UniswapX via memes. Cow Swap wrote, “Thank you Uniswap for further validating our exchange design!”

1inch co-founder Sergej Kunz used a classic Mr. Bean Meme.

Related: Uniswap announces UniswapX to provide users with better prices by aggregating liquidity sources

What is UniswapX | TokenInsight


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