CPI is expected to be realized, three consecutive prices will eat up 2700 yuan, and the strategy analysis of Bitcoin and Ethereum in the future market can help to get out of the trap!

For today's market, it is very simple and clear. Since the early morning of the previous night, I have been reminding everyone to turn around and go long. Today, I have been going long all the way, starting from the first price of 61300 in the early morning of the previous night, and then going to 61800 to leave the warehouse, and then continuing to go to 61500 in the afternoon, and going to 62800 to leave the warehouse. In the evening, 5 minutes before the CPI, I entered the market at 62600 and went directly to 64000! The three consecutive prices were reported simultaneously on the whole network, and the CPI ideas were given first. It was really bullish. The whole network was bearish at 61000, so I turned around. The whole network was bullish at 63300, and I had already turned around! This is the place of Ultraman God! Those who understand will understand!

Here is a word of advice. In the past few days, friends of all sizes have come to me. Let me say here that it is not that Ultraman does not personally lead everyone. The energy here is limited. If a 1.3-meter-tall person is pulled into a 1.8-meter-tall team to play in the game, do you think he will play well? So I can only classify 1.3-meter-tall friends into 1.3-meter-tall players, and 1.8-meter-tall people play with 1.8-meter-tall people. This is also a reasonable planning for your cabin space. Retail investors, bands, VIPs, one-on-ones, all have them. Those below 2000u cannot be led here! Arrange guidance based on actual conditions, and hope that all fans will cooperate. Everything we do is for better improvement! Thank you for your continued support!

For the second half of the market, the shock in the triangle area has been broken. After breaking 63500, the previous shock sentiment has basically been digested. The bulls have already walked out of a very strong upward attack mode. Just follow the trend. The pressure is mainly concentrated in the 65500 area. The left shoulder opened the drop in the early stage. The first support is 63500, followed by 62800. In the evening, the sun rises and we will first break through 65,000, and then consider a short-term pullback!

Thoughts after Wednesday's CPI

Pie, 63,800 area, look at 65,000

Ether, just synchronize together!

Don't get too excited, change a teacher, professional people do professional things, come here, and rush with the professional rhythm! $BTC $ETH $BNB #PEPE创历史新高 #GameStop带动Meme板块 #GameStop带动Meme板块 #Meme币你看好哪一个? #新币挖矿