Evening market analysis

CPI data is about to be released

Higher than expected is bearish

Lower than expected is positive

Big cake market analysis

Small support level around 600

Bottom 565 cannot be broken in the short term

Small pressure level 645

Top 673 broke bullish

Approximate position, no precise reference

Fake focus on AI, meme


Bull market is coming to improve your execution and judgment

Only bold and careful can stand out from the currency circle

#美国4月CPI通胀数据即将公布 #PEPE创历史新高 #GameStop带动Meme板块 #Meme币你看好哪一个? #BTC走势分析

Specifically, follow me into the Big Bull Manor

Again, if you come to me, I will take you ashore, you just lie down,

Friends who deduct 666 in the comment area, take a closer look at my personal pinned to take you into the Big Bull Manor! (Free)

Brother Xiong will not let my fans miss out in this round of bull market! This is the truth 👈