After looking at what most analysts do, we find that they are divided into sections:

A section provides its information through the subscription system, and its basic rule is to buy when it falls and sell when it rises. This is an intuitive matter that does not require intelligence.

A department steals the information of the first department and appears to us as an experienced analyst, but in reality, it does not understand analysis

The last section is mainly concerned with frustrating society and warning against whales.

Imagine, dear, that the term whale is given to an investor who owns only three million dollars and speculates in a currency that absorbs billions of dollars.

Whoever enters the currency market must have certain qualities. If he does not have them, it is better for him to leave immediately.

1- Patience

2- Adventure

3- The inner conviction that the future is better (optimism)

I am sure that the future will be beautiful and exciting for those who are distinguished by patience and steadfastness.

be well