$BTC 2024 Latest Tutorial: How to Register a Coin Account and Verify via KYC

1. Visit the official registration page

• Coin & International Officially Registered:


• Coin & China Official Registration:


2. Create a profile

• Email address: Provide a valid email address to receive validation emails and notifications.

• Login Password: Set a strong password that contains letters, numbers, and special characters to increase account security.

• Referral Code: Use referral code OFU67AVX for maximum discount.

3. Email verification completed

• You will see a verification email from Coin & in your inbox and click on the link to complete verification.

4. Security function settings

• Log in to your account and go to the Security Settings page.

• Enable advanced security features such as two-factor authentication (2FA) to secure your account.

5. Verification completed (KYC)

• Strengthen account security and complete identity verification by uploading relevant information such as ID card according to platform instructions.

6. Deposit

• Once your account is set up, you can start trading and investing in cryptocurrencies by making deposits with any of the supported payment methods.

7. Download Coin & Official App

• Android application download URL: https://www.binance.com/join?ref=OFU67AVX

• iOS Download: Apple App Store

You can easily register through the steps above and start trading cryptocurrency safely at CoinSecurity. Join Coin& and enjoy the world's best cryptocurrency trading service!

We hope this guide will help you successfully register a Coin account and ensure your account is safe and compliant.