As a cryptocurrency trader, why do people who play contracts suffer from insomnia, but those who play spot trading do not? First of all, there are four major factors that cause insomnia when playing contracts: 1. Psychological pressure: Contract trading often involves higher leverage and risk, which means greater potential gains and losses. This uncertainty may cause investors to feel nervous and anxious during or after trading, which affects sleep. 2. Real-time monitoring: Contract traders usually need to pay close attention to market dynamics and price fluctuations in order to make timely adjustments. This real-time monitoring of the market may cause them to be unable to rest at night. 3. Strategic thinking: Contract traders need to constantly think and adjust their trading strategies. This mental activity may make it difficult for them to relax at night, thus affecting sleep. 4. Excitement: When there are large fluctuations in the market or traders make large profits, they may feel excited and excited, and this emotional state may also make it difficult for them to fall asleep. Compared with holding spot trading, it is more secure and stable. Spot trading does not involve high leverage and high risk, and you can buy and sell according to market prices at any time without paying too much attention to short-term fluctuations in the market. This relatively stable trading method may make you more relaxed psychologically, making it easier to fall asleep. In general, everyone's trading style and mentality are different, and the best one is the one that suits you. No matter which trading method you choose, I hope everyone can maintain a good mentality and a healthy lifestyle.

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