Today we answer three questions:

1. A mature investor performance

2. Bitcoin investment strategy and risk management

3. About anti-fraud in the cryptocurrency circle

Investing is like fighting a war. Strategy is far more important than tactics. The same is true when saying that choice is more important than effort. Choice is at the strategic level, while effort is at the tactical level.

The investment targets selected by Mr. Ba, such as Coca-Cola, Apple, and BYD (which are generally recognized as irrefutable), are the best proof. There are also such targets in the currency circle, such as Bitcoin.

Therefore, we should focus on strengthening strategic-level learning, such as: mentality, emotions, hoarding coins, and system knowledge, rather than market conditions, contracts, short-term trading, etc.

If the strategy is bullish

What to buy? It’s a strategic question

How to buy, how much to buy, and whether the buying strategy is to buy in batches, pyramid buying, buying at a low level, or even waiting for the market to reverse before buying, are all tactical issues.

The strategic goal is to buy more at a lower cost.

However, whether the tactical cost is a little higher or a little lower, the impact on the strategic success will not be very large.

Just like when Bitcoin is at 70,000, whether the cost is 20,000 or 30,000, the returns are of course different, but the difference is not big. Even if 70,000 is the top, you can still make money if you buy at 70,000 and wait for the next round.

However, if you are strategically bearish on Bitcoin or strategically choose air coins, you will still lose money if you wait for two more bull and bear cycles.

If the strategy is bearish

Being short is the best choice. No matter how awesome the tactic of selling high and buying low is, it is not as good as being short. It is like the best choice to avoid getting wet on a rainy day is not to find a bigger umbrella, but to stay at home.

A mature investor usually exhibits the following characteristics:

1). Rational decision-making:

Don't be swayed by emotions, but make investment decisions based on objective analysis and data.

2). Risk awareness:

Clearly understand the investment risks, reasonably assess your own ability to bear, and adjust the investment portfolio accordingly.

3) Rich knowledge:

Have an in-depth understanding of various investment tools and markets, and continuously learn and update knowledge.

4). Long-term perspective:

We do not pursue short-term huge profits, but focus on long-term stable income and have the patience to wait for investment returns.

5) Independent thinking:

Don't follow the trend blindly, have your own independent judgment and opinions, and be able to filter out valuable parts from a lot of information.

6). Diversify your investments:

Know how to reduce risk by diversifying investments and not putting all your eggs in one basket.

7). Self-control:

Be able to control emotions such as greed and fear to avoid making wrong decisions due to impulse.

8). Stay calm in response to fluctuations:

Stay calm when the market fluctuates, don't panic, and adjust strategies in a timely manner.

9). Review and reflection:

Regularly review and reflect on your investment behavior and results, and summarize experiences and lessons.

10). Respect the market:

Understand the complexity and uncertainty of the market and respect the laws of the market

About Bitcoin investment:

I think the most important thing is to have your own investment strategy and risk management plan. You can consider the following points:
First, you must control the investment ratio and don’t invest all your money.
Second, we must pay attention to market trends and conditions and adjust investment strategies in a timely manner.
Third, choose a safe and reliable trading platform and storage method to protect your Bitcoin.
Fourth, have a long-term investment mentality and don’t be affected by short-term fluctuations.

About currency circle fraud prevention:

It is said that without the cryptocurrency circle, there is no way to get rich overnight.

So in this circle, stories of getting rich quickly can be seen everywhere...

Those who play contracts will show you screenshots of their profits every day

Those who do short-term trading keep showing you their short-term trading techniques

Quantitative people keep selling you robots

I'm a U merchant, I always want to take you to buy and sell U

When you open your phone, do you always feel that others are making a lot of money every day, but you are losing money every day? I tell you, it’s all fake.

Although the market is so cold, they are the busiest ones, busy with photoshopping fake pictures, writing jokes, and appeasing rights defenders.

The secrets to getting rich quickly that they talk about are just to sell you their secrets to get rich quickly, to lure you into a trap and transfer your money into their pockets. If you want to become a mature investor, you must start by giving up getting rich overnight. There is no such thing as a secret to getting rich quickly.

The best business model for ordinary investors is to store coins in the exchange and make money outside the exchange. Anything else is not doing the right thing. This will cost a lot, and those who have experienced it will understand. They understand human nature and will take advantage of your cleverness to make you earn small money and lose big money.

If you are still hoarding coins, you should also know how boring it is to hoard coins. Stay calm, wait for the mad bull market to come, and you will get what you deserve, just let them jump around.

If you want to know more about the relevant knowledge and first-hand cutting-edge information of the cryptocurrency circle, please click to follow me. I will publish market analysis and recommend high-quality potential currencies every day.

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