- Now the important thing is which quarter Timing will stop being negative.

- Which quarter your account will be x5 and which quarter will be x10.

- The second most important thing is whether or not your mind can stay on the lowest path with your own timing ability above.

And at this point, no one is cursing anyone about the project, talking about 40k, 30k or even less, so I'm deaf and can't hear or see.

Looking back at Quarter 2/2023 - March 2023, I called and lived a lot internally, including futures and spots.

But near the end of 2023, some brothers sold all altcoins to the point that USDT lost its position.

At first, their timing was correct, but then, on the journey of moving the impure mind, it went in the wrong direction.

Through 2024, in the first quarter of 2024, many people decided to buy the market and hold during the year of purchase, resulting in negative hours.

Record my principles:

The holding rate in the year of purchase will be 99% profitable.

I tried to see how many of the 9 brothers I travel with will leave home in the first quarter of 2025.

Deviation is allowed but not too far.

If 7 of these 9 people are profitable, 2 are not profitable, then I understand.

I will find the reason why there is a difference in knowledge or capital or dca price range, or centralized coin branch.

Summary of packaging and recording for the next cycle.

Guys reading this article, anyone who has not determined the year of purchase and year of sale should learn for themselves, no one shares this.