#美国4月CPI通胀数据即将公布 #山寨币热点 #BTC走势分析

The current trend of the big cake is relatively weak. In the past two days, the multiple upward rushes to 63,000 have not effectively broken through. Last night, the big cake fell to 609,500 and then began to rebound. The current price of the big cake is around 61,800.

From the four-hour Bollinger band, the big cake has reached the middle track of the Bollinger band, and there are signs of rebound. The hourly level has also formed a U-shaped bottom. There may be a wave of rebound, but the market is weak. The big cake is at 63,000. It is recommended to enter the warehouse and short when it reaches around 63,500. Pay attention to the CPI in the evening. It is predicted that there may be a spike up and down.

The pressure position of the big cake is 64,000, and the support position is 60,000.