Coin Circle Kindergarten:
At this stage, many people enter the cryptocurrency world with the dream of "getting rich overnight". They are eager to make 10,000+ a day, and only see the light of money. They lack sufficient understanding of the risks and complexities of the cryptocurrency world. They often only focus on short-term gains and ignore long-term investment strategies and risk management.

Coin Circle Primary School:
People who enter this stage begin to realize that cryptocurrency investment is not easy. They start to use investment as a way to supplement their family income, but they still don’t invest too much time and energy in learning. They may still be busy with other jobs, such as delivering food, so their understanding and learning of the cryptocurrency world are relatively limited.

Coin Circle Junior High School:
At this stage, investors begin to view cryptocurrency investment as a way of financial management, rather than just pursuing short-term gains. They begin to pay attention to market dynamics and learn some basic investment skills and risk management methods. They may not pursue high returns, but pay more attention to the stability and sustainability of investment.

Coin Circle High School:
People who reach this stage begin to gain a deeper understanding of the basic principles of blockchain, virtual currency, and digital currency. They are eager to understand the logic and operating mechanisms behind these technologies in order to better guide their investment decisions. They begin to study the characteristics and advantages of various cryptocurrencies and try to build their own investment strategies.

Coin University:
At this stage, investors have acquired certain market insights and investment skills. They begin to focus on investing in mainstream cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, because these currencies have a large market share and stable investment returns. They may no longer pursue short-term speculative gains, but pay more attention to long-term investment value and stability.

Cryptocurrency graduate students:
This is the highest stage of cryptocurrency investment, and only a few people can reach this level. At this stage, investors have a deep understanding and research of cryptocurrencies, and they may have become experts or authorities in a certain field. They only focus on a few cryptocurrencies with extremely high value and potential, such as Bitcoin, and realize wealth growth through long-term holding and compound interest effects.