At 10:52 am on May 15, 2024, I will post a message for short positions when I post tomorrow at noon. The market has several big negative lines at 14:00, and there is also a profit of nearly 2%. At that time, the long price was directly broken, but from today's performance, the short side is very weak. At present, the price has a small reversal and long orders. You can enter the market with a small position first, and the target is around 62246.7.

Today, you can pay attention to the strong coins of small coins entering the market. For example, 1000floki.1000bonk

1000bonk can be bought at this price of 0.02426-0.025027#美国4月CPI通胀数据即将公布 #新币挖矿 #ETH #ETFvsBTC #BTC走势分析 1000bonk$