The idea for Wednesday is as follows:

Yesterday was bearish and shorted all the way, and the overall harvest was not bad. Bitcoin layout 3 Dan got a total of ⬇️2700 Dian space!

At this stage, from the overall rhythm, in the four-hour level, the overall operation channel has shown signs of a roundabout upward trend, and the K-line has fallen for 7 consecutive negatives. During this period, the currency price has rebounded like mushrooms after rain! In the attached indicator, the volume has turned from long to short, and the volume continues to increase. The downward diffusion trend of the three moving averages is obvious! The subsequent operation idea is still to short around the rebound!

Morning operation ideas:

BTC: Short in the 61800-62300 area, target 60800-60300! #美国4月CPI通胀数据即将公布 #BTC走势分析 #ETH #5月市场关键事件 #新币挖矿