Wednesday is here, and the much-anticipated CPI will continue to seesaw tonight. It will eventually move in the direction of the 10th day. Seeing that the current market fell after the back-and-forth saws last night, it continued to fluctuate upward at midnight and reached the highest level of 61770. It is still maintaining a small-level fluctuation. According to the midnight bearish idea, 61700 is currently in the middle of the belly. It is still considered as a bearish position during the day. #美国4月CPI通胀数据即将公布 #山寨币热点 #BTC走势分析 #5月市场关键事件 #ETH $BTC $ETH

Looking at the current daily chart, it is obvious that the bears are still continuing to decline. The bullish volume of the previous few days has ended. Now we are waiting for the bears to exert their strength. From the 4-hour level, after the upper rail is under pressure, the continuous downward trend of MACD is close to the 0 axis and the dead cross is downward. The market is in an extremely weak position. The bearish outlook remains unchanged during the day.

Big pancake 61700-62000 short, down to 60500

Auntie 2895-2910 short, down to 2800