CryptoRank experts spoke about one of the leading trends in the world of cryptocurrencies this year. It became DropHunting or “hunting for free distributions”. Similar to the ICO boom in 2018, airdrops of promising tokens increase the liquidity of projects and attract new users. However, this trend has led to an increase in the number of “sybils” - bzers who create many wallets in order to receive more free crypto assets and immediately sell them on the market, fixing profits.

“Although some claim that sybils help test networks, in reality they overshadow the real contribution. This can potentially lead to user frustration and decreased engagement with the project. The increase in accounts where users use multiple wallets creates serious problems for everyone,” CryptoRank researchers said.

In their opinion, products can tolerate a moderate amount of "sybils". However, it is important that balance is maintained. Startups are gradually introducing reputation and KYC systems to prevent such attacks. Sybil bounty hunting technology is the latest innovation from LayerZero. However, experts note that as soon as it began to bear fruit, it stimulated even greater problems.

The fact is that attackers adapt faster than those who fight them. As a result, the excess of “sybils” devalues ​​the actions of real users, overshadowing their genuine contributions with fake activity. Frustration may cause them to leave. Long-term attacks can seriously undermine the viability, reputation and success potential of a platform.

Ultimately, projects are interested in a moderate number of "sybils". The fact is that they are the ones who provide the desired indicators of intranet activity, which can later be shown to investors. This allows you to attract additional funding. This will ultimately benefit real users.#Bitcoin