$BNB Notcoin entered our lives as an application that gives points per click with a bot and game system created on Telegram, stating that it is something vague. Notcoin, which has created a large community with the support of Telegram and the tone network and has made a name for itself in a short time with its advertising agreements, constantly made fun of themselves in its posts on social media and made statements such as "Don't expect anything from us." However, they also made a statement that they would launch the largest token launch of the Ton network.

After Notcoin announced that it would be listed in May, listing news and events began to come from major exchanges one by one. Undoubtedly the most exciting and the biggest thing for Notcoin was the news of the Binance listing and #launchpool.

What is Binance Launchpool?

As one of the largest stock exchanges in the world, Binance offers its investors different earning opportunities through various events and special projects. The most prominent of these are Launchpool events. With Launchpool, Binance users get their share of the reward pool by staking various assets such as BNB and FDUSD for short periods of time. Many projects provide good profits to investors in this field. The new token of the Binance launchpool program is Notcoin.

Notcoin Launchpool

A 3-day farming period has been determined for Notcoin in the#Binancelaunchpool area. Farm period will start as of 00:00 UTC on 13/05/2024. For Farm, users can get their shares from the pool by listing their BNB and FDUSD tokens.

Notcoin Launchpool Details:

Token Name:#Notcoin(NOT)

Maximum Token Supply: 102,719,221,714 NOTES

Launchpool Token Rewards: 3,081,576,651 NOTES

Initial Circulating Supply: $102,719,221,714NOTE (100% of maximum token supply)

Per User Hourly Fixed Limit:

3,637,972 NOTE - BNB pool

641.995 Note- FDUSD pool