In plain words, the BTC market has reached a small range of fluctuations. As time goes by, the amplitude has increased from 5~6 thousand U to 1~2 thousand U, with faster and faster frequency and smaller amplitude, and it converges in a triangle. Especially in the past two days, the V-shaped reversal can occur 2~3 times on average in 24 hours, so there is no real rise or effective fall here. It has reached the end of the fluctuation, and there is no point in waiting for the change quietly.

Interestingly, today MEME coins PEPE and PEOPLE are moving independently. What is particularly interesting in this round of bull market is that MEME coins will become the torchbearer throughout the bull market. As early as in the previous article, I said that the money of large institutions will not flow to old projects in the circle for no reason. 90% of the projects are LOW for them. Why does Musk only shout Dogecoin? Is his technology not good?

Then there is the SOL ecosystem. Foreigners think that the background of this coin is pure white, but V God is not. Of course, this is only one of the reasons. More Ethereum ecosystems are saturated, and there are greater opportunities for re-opening on SOL.

Back to the market

1. Yesterday's market said that the rise and fall ratio has reached an extreme value, and the market rebounded. Unfortunately, the BTC negative line did not expand, and it did not leak downwards first, but went up directly at the 1-hour level. As of press time, the BTC price fell again, and the rise and fall did not continue. From the day before yesterday to today, the price has hardly changed. The bulls should not be discouraged. The continuous shrinking volume and small fluctuations are the signal of mid-line bottoming

2. The short-term market is a chicken rib for most people. Rather than drawing a door, it is better to say that the rise and fall are very small. The exchange qun+V: 2758624303 can't be empty much downward, but the bulls lack confidence upward (the time is not right). A slight rise and fall, the hot money will cash in the profits of long and short orders. Now we can only stand from the perspective of hot money

3. The mid-line view is consistent with the previous one. Now the daily level moving average system (MA10/MA20/MA30) is becoming more and more dense. Buy and hold and wait for the bulls to serve. Short-term operations are very particular about points and timing. We must follow the hot money. Short-term profit-taking is not a pattern. BTC short-term pressure level (short) 62760 ~ 63120, BTC short-term support level (short) 61110 ~ 60390. #BTC走势分析