The waterfall may be late, but it will not be absent. It is better to do it once than to think so much. Thinking is difficult, but doing is the answer. According to the bearish thinking in the morning, it is clear that there is no problem to look at a backtest at this position. The market reached a high of 63,100 in the morning. There was a direct notification. The current price began to fluctuate downward for a long time. Finally, in the afternoon, a thousand-point big negative K was formed. The tea needle's lowest point was around 61,400. The 🈳 order directly won 1,250 points and 58 points in one wave and took off directly! Let's return home in glory together?#美国4月CPI通胀数据即将公布 #Meme币你看好哪一个? #BTC走势分析 #5月市场关键事件 #ETH $BTC $ETH

See the current 4-hour chart. The market is under pressure again and the 4-hour upper track previous yin and yang turning point is backtested. The current continuous downward trend is how to go up and how to go down. At present, the short position continues to exert force. The macd double line begins to turn down. The short-term market continues to fall. The market continues to be optimistic about the backtest in the evening.

Big cake 62100-62400 short, look down to 61000

Auntie 2930-2945 short, look down to 2850