Odaily Planet Daily News Lido community launched a proposal called "Lido Alliance: Ethereum Alliance Ecosystem", which is a framework of Lido DAO to provide support and recognition for protocols that are equally focused on security and promote the decentralization of Ethereum verification. Lido DAO is a governance process for identifying and recognizing projects with the same values ​​and missions, and finding ways to make positive contributions to the stETH ecosystem. The proposal proposes the establishment of a dedicated Lido Contributor Alliance Working Group. The purpose of this group is to evaluate potential new alliance members, promote and guide them in the governance process of the DAO, and help guide potential alliances and product development. For any alliance application, the working group will weigh the evaluation results and explain them to token holders and the community. At the same time, as part of the proposal, partners can choose to provide token airdrops to the alliance in relevant circumstances. These tokens will belong to the alliance permanently. Any action on airdrop tokens must be reviewed by the alliance working group and Lido DAO.