Not only did Dabai recommend the short position of $ETH to everyone yesterday, but VIP also arranged a short position!

At about 3 pm yesterday, VIP planned to enter the market to short ETH in the 2950-2970 range, breaking through 3000 losses. The market has been fluctuating up and down. Today, a wave of market plummeted, and I directly ate nearly 90 dollars of meat! This is the strength of VIP!

Direction selection is really important. Dabai and VIP have the same direction, both are bearish, and the market is also as expected, a wave of decline! The one who laughs last is the winner. Today's market is confusing. If you don't grasp the direction well, you will be liquidated! I don't know how many troops have been liquidated in this wave of decline today!

Timing is really important, very important! ! !

#美国4月CPI通胀数据即将公布 #山寨币热点 #新币挖矿