Hi! I’m your Mouse, and I’m here to bring you new tasks! @MANTRA_Chain

Leverage verified on-chain users and dApps, powered by DIDs, for seamless authentication across dApps within IBC. Reduces cost and complexity for projects and retail users. Cosmos SDK improves trust, transparency, and security. And it’s low-cost and fast

Cost: 0U

Estimated gain: 2000U

#DYOR #空投


Open the website https://www.keplr.app/download

Install a plugin or APP > Import memorized words or create a new wallet (using the plugin as an example)


Open the website https://www.mantrachain.io/hongbai

Click Add to Keplr > Confirm


Open the Keplr wallet plugin

Click on the upper left corner > Manage chain visibility > Add Mantra Hongbai in the input field and save


Open the website https://faucet.hongbai.mantrachain.io/

Enter the Mantra Hongbai address to receive the test coin (open the wallet, search for Mantra Hongbai and copy it)


Open the URL https://app.galxe.com/quest/krFNiTdbd4L3XrqumQk8fb/GC7xvth4oK

Complete the task and get up to 50,000,000 OM rewards!


The introduction of this mission has been completed. Please follow me before you go! ヾ(•ω•`)o