Recent Thoughts (1)

What do you think of Web3 or blockchain?

The answer to this question is actually thousands of people ahead of me. My view on Web3 or blockchain is that one person or a group of people "sells" an idea or vision and raises funds from the public. Those who agree and participate are rewarded with tokens. In order to make the tokens effective or circulate, they are given financial attributes. In simple terms, it is a consensus of a group of people covered with a financial coat, and then they continue to look for utility scenarios that tokens can empower.

The butt determines the head. Everyone has different motivations for entering this field. Some people regard Web3 or blockchain as an innovative force for social change, while others simply regard Web3 or blockchain as a casino. But no matter what the motivation is, in Web3 and blockchain, believe in and maintain what you believe in. This is the essential difference between Web3 and traditional Internet.