Why do so many people love to play with cryptocurrencies?

Some people are still asking these stupid questions, what else can you play if not cryptocurrencies?

Play the A-share market? Ten million in and one million out?

I have my own cryptocurrency zone.

So I have a say in this question.

Most of the friends in the zone have been exposed to stock futures.

Without exception, they were all hurt and turned to cryptocurrencies.

The most exaggerated guy lost 7 million yuan in the A-share market in one year without any leverage.

People outside the circle only understand cryptocurrencies in spot currencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, and some will directly judge them as pure Ponzi.

Let’s not talk about whether it is a Ponzi or not, let’s talk about my personal experience first.

The cryptocurrency I understand is hierarchical and has many sectors.

As for why to play, it’s nothing more than three words: profit and loss ratio.

What is the profit and loss ratio?

I took 1 million yuan to play the A-share market, and maybe 100,000 yuan came out by the end of the year.

I take 10,000 yuan to do stable new listings and airdrops. It won't be difficult to make 1 million yuan by the end of the year (if you think I'm exaggerating, you can read my previous articles. There are many friends who have made hundreds of thousands or millions of yuan from my own settings. Welcome to come and touch porcelain.) As for the sectors, there are nothing more than spot, contract (futures), new listings, chain games, inscriptions, airdrops, etc. Except for contracts and spot, which are the mainstream tracks, these tracks can make people lose a lot of money. In my opinion, the following tracks will not lose too much money. (If you take millions to participate in these non-mainstream tracks, then I won't say this) For example, I set up my own district mainly for airdrops. Will this thing lose money? Yes, it will lose money, what is lost. The loss is gas fees, because we invest in gas fees and money from various accounts in airdrops. If we don't receive airdrops, these investments will be in vain. Currently, one of the projects that eats my gas fees is zksync. I spent about 40,000 RMB of gas and opened 210 addresses. So back to the profit and loss ratio I mentioned, where is the profit and loss ratio of zkysnc? 4w returns to 0, or if 100 of my 210 addresses are eligible, then it is easy to make a profit of one million. (Of course, witch protection is a must)

It means that at most I will waste a year + 4wrmb.

And my expected profit is 100+

Outsiders may think that the profit and loss ratio I talk about is exaggerated, but if you have really participated in a serious airdrop project, you will know that I am underestimating it.

To deepen this topic, why do many people love cryptocurrency more and more?

Because people are increasingly unable to bear the pua of society, and are becoming smarter and smarter. They know where to make money, where to make money safely, and where to have projects with a better profit and loss ratio. I personally think this is a manifestation of social progress.

Suddenly I remembered a tweet I saw before, a Ukrainian refugee relied on the airdrop issued by arb to survive a difficult 8 months. This is the power that cryptocurrency brings to our coin friends.

Of course, if you summarize cryptocurrency as: high leverage, scam, gambling, I will only think you are pitiful + stupid, after all, people can never make money beyond cognition.

I think this question should be "Why are more and more people playing cryptocurrency"

Summary: 1. Because this thing is not the kind of "scam" advertised, it is really possible to make money without the so-called "gambling".

2. Because society is progressing, everyone has a wider range of contacts, and pua can't reach us.

3. Seeing others make money (this is the most intuitive)

As for why May loves cryptocurrency, there is no other reason, just because he made money. The more he played, the straighter his back was.

ps: This article is not suitable for high-leverage gamblers and various brainless leeks, because these guys are really losing money#新币挖矿 $BTC