BNB Ecosystem Reinvestment and Revenue Statistics—Update BB Revenue

The total investment in BNB in ​​this cycle is 28600U, the latest BNB holding value is 158.69*588=93627U, and the latest rate of return is: (93627-28600)*588/28600=227%.

In order to make it easier for everyone to see the BNB Ecosystem Reinvestment Revenue, I will update the revenue data and reinvestment amount of all BNB launchpool, launchpad, megaDrop... to this table in the future.

Since BNB was purchased for fixed investment a long time ago, and the fixed investment cost was also purchased below 300, it can only be estimated that the cost price is 260U, the purchase quantity is 110, and the total cost is about 28600U. This may not be so accurate, but it is about the same. Because BTC, ETH, and BNB are being invested in fixed investment throughout 2023, the specific cost price and quantity cannot be calculated. I will not increase or reduce my BNB holdings in this cycle. I will only reinvest the proceeds from all BNB activities. What can 28600U become in this bull market? Let's verify it together.

Holding Binance Coin allows time to accompany us to slowly become rich

#BNB #BB #Megadrop $BNB $BB